British Ireland
The American Monarchist League
The American Monarchist League is a group of like-minded royalists from the United States and Canada who are united in support of honouring, defending and advancing the long held ties between North America and the British Monarchy. The United States, even as a constitutional republic, would not exist as it is today without the influence of the constitutional monarchy of Great Britain. It is easy to see that of all the nations in North America today, all those which are the most advanced, free and prosperous are those descended from or sharing in the British Monarchy. The American Monarchist League was formed to provide a place for U.S. monarchists as well as those from across English-speaking America, to voice their support for and solidarity with the ideals of constitutional monarchy. We also exist to discuss and debate ideas among ourselves and others about the United States and the rest of the world such as: Should the U.S. join the Commonwealth of Nations? Should the U.S. accept Queen Elizabeth II as our monarch? Can monarchy make a difference?
Proposed flags from the United Commonwealth Society, whose goal is the creation of a close economic, cultural and political confederation of members of the Commonwealth of Nations for now known as ‘the Commonwealth Federation’.
Under phase one of this plan, The Commonwealth Federation (or Union) would be composed of a core consisting of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and these countries' overseas territories and associated states, known by the acronym CANZUK (see footnote for list of these countries and territories). These states would each send representatives to a small federal council with responsibility for limited matters such as trade and defence. Each constituent state would retain its sovereignty.
Under phase two of the proposed plan, the option would exist for the core units of CANZUK to be solidified into a more coherent body, possibly with a more federal or centralised system of commonly elected government, though these would be matters for the public to decide. Operating as a national unit, the Commonwealth Federation would then pursue greater cultural and trade links with other Commonwealth countries such as India and the Pacific, Caribbean and African Commonwealth. Should some of these countries then so wish, and the publics of CANZUK and the countries concerned agree in referenda, then federation membership would be offered to other Commonwealth countries which met appropriate social and economic criteria. (Commonwealth membership could also be made available to non-Commonwealth countries which shared our common principles of law, democracy and governance and perhaps certain aspects of our common history and culture).
The Commonwealth Federation would be the third largest economy in the Western world (excluding its trade agreements with the rest of the Commonwealth), with global reach, a high standard of living and a powerful position in almost every geographical region and sector of the global economy. A common voice would allow us once more to project our influence on world events and to protect our own interests and identity outside regional trade blocs or the orbits of other superpowers, current or emerging.
The countries of CANZUK are drawn together by a common past, culture, language, institutions, political processes and ideals. We are all successful Westminster Democracies. Most of our laws and customs but also our beliefs and values are the same. We are also wealthy Western countries with very similar levels of national income per head and many common insitutions binding us together. We share not only membership of the Commonwealth but also a number of defence pacts, embassies, a common Head of State and Commander in Chief, and other impromptu areas of cooperation such as AUKMIN and the CANZ group at the UN.
The rise of the new economy, changes in technology and new ways of life are changing the world in radical and fundamental ways. China and India are recognised by the international community as being the next super powers that, together with the United States will form the dominant forces in the world. The nature of business has changed with borderless selling, instant transfer of information and reliance on intangibles for all purposes. Should they continue to act autonomously and ignore or deny their common roots and interests, the CANZUK countries are statistically not strong enough to retain their influence and protect their ways of life without being incorporated into other transnational structures, be they the orbits of superpowers or power-hungry regional blocs like the EU. If this is the fate of CANZUK, then it makes sense to develop a Commonwealth Federation composed of countries that are similar to each other to a degree that is not possible in any other association.
Under phase one of this plan, The Commonwealth Federation (or Union) would be composed of a core consisting of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and these countries' overseas territories and associated states, known by the acronym CANZUK (see footnote for list of these countries and territories). These states would each send representatives to a small federal council with responsibility for limited matters such as trade and defence. Each constituent state would retain its sovereignty.
Under phase two of the proposed plan, the option would exist for the core units of CANZUK to be solidified into a more coherent body, possibly with a more federal or centralised system of commonly elected government, though these would be matters for the public to decide. Operating as a national unit, the Commonwealth Federation would then pursue greater cultural and trade links with other Commonwealth countries such as India and the Pacific, Caribbean and African Commonwealth. Should some of these countries then so wish, and the publics of CANZUK and the countries concerned agree in referenda, then federation membership would be offered to other Commonwealth countries which met appropriate social and economic criteria. (Commonwealth membership could also be made available to non-Commonwealth countries which shared our common principles of law, democracy and governance and perhaps certain aspects of our common history and culture).
The Commonwealth Federation would be the third largest economy in the Western world (excluding its trade agreements with the rest of the Commonwealth), with global reach, a high standard of living and a powerful position in almost every geographical region and sector of the global economy. A common voice would allow us once more to project our influence on world events and to protect our own interests and identity outside regional trade blocs or the orbits of other superpowers, current or emerging.
The countries of CANZUK are drawn together by a common past, culture, language, institutions, political processes and ideals. We are all successful Westminster Democracies. Most of our laws and customs but also our beliefs and values are the same. We are also wealthy Western countries with very similar levels of national income per head and many common insitutions binding us together. We share not only membership of the Commonwealth but also a number of defence pacts, embassies, a common Head of State and Commander in Chief, and other impromptu areas of cooperation such as AUKMIN and the CANZ group at the UN.
The rise of the new economy, changes in technology and new ways of life are changing the world in radical and fundamental ways. China and India are recognised by the international community as being the next super powers that, together with the United States will form the dominant forces in the world. The nature of business has changed with borderless selling, instant transfer of information and reliance on intangibles for all purposes. Should they continue to act autonomously and ignore or deny their common roots and interests, the CANZUK countries are statistically not strong enough to retain their influence and protect their ways of life without being incorporated into other transnational structures, be they the orbits of superpowers or power-hungry regional blocs like the EU. If this is the fate of CANZUK, then it makes sense to develop a Commonwealth Federation composed of countries that are similar to each other to a degree that is not possible in any other association.

With Canadian Red Ensign and Union Flag (left) and standard (right)
The Dominion of British West Florida is a separatist micronation founded in 2005 in order to "reassert Britain's rights" over the region, by an individual identified on the micronation's website only as "Robert VII, Duke of Florida" The website asserts that Duke Robert "inherited the Peerage of the Dominion" in 1969, and "accepted the position of Governor General" in 1994. It is based in the Gulf coast region of the United States. It claims the territory of the 18th century colony of West Florida, which has since been subsumed into the US states of Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi. The Dominion claims to be "striving for Commonwealth status". The organization is neither acknowledged by any government nor exercises any authority over its claimed territory, and activities are largely limited to the internet.
Since Duke Robert's retirement in 2007, the Acting Governor General has been Bo Register, a computer systems and networking consultant and former member of the US armed services. The micronation has issued Cinderella stamps and has minted several base metal coins produced by Jorge Vidal and issued in denominations based on pre-decimal pounds.
The founders of the micronation assert that the US annexation was illegal, because control of the region had actually defaulted to the United Kingdom in 1808, upon the removal from office of King Charles IV of Spain, thus invalidating the Treaty of Paris and the US annexation to which it gave rise.
British Arctic Territory

Blue ensign

Red ensign

White ensign

Governor's flag

Lieutenant Governor's flag

Lieutenant Governor's maritime flag

BAT ambassador's and consul's flag

BAT Air Force flag

Civil Air Ensign

Royal Fleets Auxiliary

BAT Fire Service
Royal Newfoundland Air Force
The individual selling this foolishly got duped by the spoof website above:
Hong Kong

Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand
British Dominions of Norway and Texas
British Province of Pennsylvania
Dominion of Germany
After WW2 when negotiations to turn Germany into a united republic fell apart due to squabbling between the Soviets, US, and UK. So, Britain took full control of Germany, with the exception of the Soviet Zone, and made it a constitutional federal monarchy based on the Westminster System of Government, like Australia or Canada; George VI took the title King of Germany as his title in the new Dominion.
Bad Oeynhausen
Lower Saxony
North Rhine Westfalia
Dominion of America
The (majority) Welsh Commonwealth of Georgia
The flag of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay
Repeated attempts at American state flags by VulcanTrekkie45
Commonwealth of Natal
Wiradjuri Free State
The British Empire
British Arctic Territories
The British Dominion of the River Plate
Either British Alaska, or Alaska as a Canadian Province

British Oregon

The Overseas Province of France
Dominion of British North America
American flag where the Albany Plan of Union passed
Confederate States (British Commonwealth)
United Nations Emergency Protective Zone One, Two, and Three
United Kingdom of Earth
Commonwealth of Vesperia
Inexplicable alternative universe American flags
British France
British Turkey
British China
Naval ensign for the Islamic Republic of Australia
British Holland
Zamunda came to British protection in 1898 as result from the Zamundan distrust against the Boers. The Zamunda Protectorate was then established and lasted until 1968 when King Jaffe-Joffer proclaimed independence of the Kingdom of Zamunda (or Umbuso weZaamunda in local language). The new country joined then the international organizations so as adopted the present-day flag (horizontal green-black bicolour) with same coat of arms as protectorate flag which is pictured above).
Continental Congress
Features Jupiter's Thunderbolt, winged. The bolts represent the 4 core values of the government: mercy, truth, justice & peace.
British Dominion of New England
North West Company
In 1797 (this TL) Parliament passed the British North American Fur Trade Act, which ended the Hudson's Bay Company's monopoly on the fur trade in BNA. The North West Company flourished as a result. (Thus the NWC's OTL forced merger w/the HBC never came to pass.)
Hudsonia consists of what is in the real world New York, New Jersey, eastern Pennsylvania to Lake Ontario, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. A parliamentary democracy and full member of the Union, Hudsonia is one of the more industrialised parts of the Union. Its capital is the city of Boston. Hudsonia's flag is the Blue Ensign with "The full-rigged ship Half Moon all proper" added to it. [The Half Moon was the flagship of Henry Hudson, first European explorer of New York; (see the Flags of the World site).]
New England
New England consists of, in the real world, New Hampshire, Maine, New Brunswick and all the land north of them to the southern shore of the St Lawrence River. New England is a parliamentary democracy and full member of the Union. Its capital is the city of Coussinoc [Augusta, Maine]. New England's flag is the Blue Ensign with a green tree added to it.
Dominion of China
British China
FROM Kyhm Forums:
The flag of Cathay. Most British forces in Cathay are tied up subduing the last remnants of the Empire of China, but you might occasionally see it in the Pacific.
Blue ensign
Red ensign
White ensign
Governor's flag
Lieutenant Governor's flag
Lieutenant Governor's maritime flag
BAT ambassador's and consul's flag
BAT Air Force flag
Civil Air Ensign
Royal Fleets Auxiliary
BAT Fire Service
The BAT story - as best as I can remember it: I have had a particular interest in British blue and red ensigns ever since I started flag collecting. I believe this interest started when I was a youngster living in Hawaii. I remember seeing a giant sailing yacht anchored in Honolulu. It was flying a large British colonial Fiji red ensign. The ensign was so striking to me, that it sparked me to find out all I could about British territorial flags and ensigns. As I became more intellectually involved in Vexillology and Vexillography, I thought it would be neat to design a colonial British ensign badge. Realistically though, I had two things working against me. First, I wasn't British and had no connection to the Ministry of Defence. Second, the empire was shrinking anyway, and the prospect of designing a colonial badge was remote at best.
However, inspiration for making up a British territory and its flags came to me in early 1995 while I was looking at a rather sizeable map of Ellesmere Island, Canada. The north part of the island was basically a territorial park except for a stumpy thumb shaped peninsula sticking out on the north east end of the island. When I saw this peninsula, I knew I had found my territory. I was vaguely aware of grievances Arctic natives had concerning their status as Northwest Territory citizens. Based on what little knowledge I had, I fabricated a story about native desires to rejoin the British empire because the empire had given them more freedom. I went on to say the Canadian Government was tired of the whole issue and was glad to let the "BAT" rejoin the empire. And then of course, I proceeded to create a set of British flags and ensigns. The badge came to me fairly quickly. I was torn between defacing the badge with a polar bear or a narwhal. I determined most people would not know what a narwhal was and decided on the polar bear. The light blue background behind the polar bear represents the clear polar skies while the wavy lines represent the Arctic Ocean.
Now the question was, what to do with all the stuff I had made up. It then occurred to me. April Fools was just around the corner. Why not publish the BAT article as an April Fools joke in Hot CofFEE, the quarterly publication of the Confederation of Flag and Ensign Enthusiasts - Mississippi? When I took the idea to other members, I got mixed opinions as to whether we should go to print or not. I said I wanted to print for a couple of reasons. First, it would be fun, and would get a laugh from anyone with a healthy robust sense of humour. Second, the organization I worked for subscribed to an information firm. This particular firm (whose name I will not mention) supplied us with all sorts of up to date global information relating to our work. It did not take me long to realize that much of the information we received was erroneous. I suspected our info firm was doing a poor job verifying information before sending it out. In a nutshell, I wanted to send the article and newsletter to other vexi-publications as an April Fools joke, and our info firm to see if they would circulate the BAT story without getting verification. Everyone agreed to go to print provided I made it obvious the article was a joke.
This is where I made a mistake. I believed the story in and of itself was so absurd, that no one would fall for it. Thus, I gave very little indication of a hoax except for the date and an archaic British reference to April Fools. As it turned out, I was mostly right about my flag friends being tricked. As soon as my vexillological buddies received the article, inquires began to trickle in regarding the validity of the story. With each inquiry, I was completely candid and told them it was a joke. Bruce Berry, representing the SAVA journal questioned the story as well. I responded to him via fax, as there was no e-mail in those days. I assumed the fax got through since my machine said it did. I found out later my fax never made when SAVA went to print with the story. It was embarrassing for us both, but no permanent damage was done. A few humourless or overly serious flag folk responded to the hoax by articulating their displeasure, but collectively everyone enjoyed it.
As I stated earlier, for 4 days after being asked if my story were true, the British Government would neither confirm nor deny the existence of the territory. The Canadian government contacted me as well, not to tell me I was mistaken, but for verification of the story. The US government also briefly added the BAT to its "official" list of nations and territories. It took quite a bit of effort to convince them the territory didn't really exist. I never dreamed the hoax would have this kind of affect. The only explanation I have for the US government's action is the information firm I referred to earlier. Sure enough, said info firm sent out word that the BAT had in fact been created. I suspect Uncle Sam picked up on it. Our organization soon dropped its subscription.
Since the BAT hoax of 1995, the "territory" has taken on a life of its own. There is quite a BAT cult following. Folks of all sorts have become territorial citizens. There is one perquisite for citizenship. One has to be an all round nice person. I have also gotten a couple of comments on the irony of my making up the BAT story proceeded by the actual formation of Nunavut.
Several flags and ensigns have been added to the original four created in the beginning. There is now a Queen's standard, Lieutenant Governor's flag, Ambassadors flag, and a Naval Auxiliary ensign and a Civil Air ensign. The BAT will not recognize the new "large badge" flag designs the MoD has come up with. All BAT badges will be sized according the traditional 4/9 standard. On the blue ensign, the BAT badge will appear on a disk.
As a side note, the BAT passport is honoured provided one is selective with where they use it. Also, my BAT drivers license is honoured in quite a few countries I have driven in. In fact, it was the only driver's license I carried the last year I lived in Romania. It worked like a charm. I will put all the BAT's ensigns and flags up on the web sometime soon. Clay Moss, 15 March 2003
Since the BAT hoax of 1995, the "territory" has taken on a life of its own. There is quite a BAT cult following. Folks of all sorts have become territorial citizens. There is one perquisite for citizenship. One has to be an all round nice person. I have also gotten a couple of comments on the irony of my making up the BAT story proceeded by the actual formation of Nunavut.
Several flags and ensigns have been added to the original four created in the beginning. There is now a Queen's standard, Lieutenant Governor's flag, Ambassadors flag, and a Naval Auxiliary ensign and a Civil Air ensign. The BAT will not recognize the new "large badge" flag designs the MoD has come up with. All BAT badges will be sized according the traditional 4/9 standard. On the blue ensign, the BAT badge will appear on a disk.
As a side note, the BAT passport is honoured provided one is selective with where they use it. Also, my BAT drivers license is honoured in quite a few countries I have driven in. In fact, it was the only driver's license I carried the last year I lived in Romania. It worked like a charm. I will put all the BAT's ensigns and flags up on the web sometime soon. Clay Moss, 15 March 2003
Royal Newfoundland Air Force
The individual selling this foolishly got duped by the spoof website above:
Hong Kong
The hand-over Ceremony in 1997 was designed to provide the final stage of a gradual process of sovereignty change in the former British Crown Colony of Hong Kong.
However with this process having been conducted without any public consultation, the citizens of the former Crown Colony had commenced informal organisations in an attempt to encourage the new Chinese sponsored regime in the Territory to allow a full public suffrage referendum on Self Determination.
Many demonstrations were conducted annually, most on Tiananmen Square Commemoration Day. The year that the number of people at the rally reached 1.5 million people was the year in which the Chinese CCP government offered citizens of the Territory full voting ad representation in the newly established Legislative Assembly and the upper house Legislative Council (Legco).
The Advance Hong Kong Party won a stunning 75% of the seats in both houses, providing it with the opportunity to commence work on its Legislative Program for the Territory. This program included re-joining the British Commonwealth of Nations as a former colony, despite Chinese government protest.
On the insistence of the Chinese Regime, the newly-elected Hong Kong administration placed the proposal to the Citizens in a Referendum. The key to note is that Hong Kong would remain part of China, but to recognise its history as a long standing member of the Commonwealth of Nations and formerly as part of the British Empire, for which may of its citizens fought for in various wars in the previous 200 years.
The results showed a 91% vote in FAVOUR of the resolution, paving the way for inclusion of Hong Kong as part of the Commonwealth group of nations.
United Britannic Commonwealth
The United Britannic Commonwealth commonly known as UBC or the Commonwealth is a Federal Constitutional Monarchy that evolved from the British Empire. It is the largest Nation in the world, both in terms of territory and of population.
The origins of the Commonwealth lie with the British Empire which established itself between the 17th and 19th Centuries. In 1886, the British Parliament passed the "Imperial Sitting Bill" which would mean that certain dominions would be able to send representatives to Parliament at Westminster to debate and vote on "issues of Imperial importance". Southern Ireland, Canada and Orange State were among the first territories to be granted "Parliament Status". The 1901 "Imperial Parliament Act" ordered a formal Parliament to be built as its importance grew. Throughout this time, colonies and dominions were granted more powers. In 1901, the British government, with advice from the Imperial Council, introduced tariffs to counter the tariffs being introduced elsewhere. These tariffs meant the Empire became a Free Trade Area- a trading group that remains today. This not only brought the Empire closer together, it would lay the foundations of a continuing industrial giant.
The Great War erupted in 1914 following the assassination of the Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Britain declared war on Germany following the invasion of Belgium. Having spent the early part of the century preparing for war, the Empire was able to grind Germany down with superior forces. Giving power to territories had proved successful, with co-ordination and the cohesion of forces being far smoother than the highly centralised forces of Germany. This, coupled with the armament of the 1900s proved a highly successful, if bloody war.
Following The Great War, the Empire was left as the mediator of the world. The United States, having briefly taken part in the Great War during 1917, retreated into isolationism while Russia descended into the turmoil of Communist revolution. While casualties were not nearly as heavy as suffered by Germany or France, a more pacifist sentiment rose, seeing the much of the money spent on arms in the last decade, being spent on welfare. While Britain had enjoyed a strong welfare system since Joseph Chamberlains's reforms of the 1890's, the rest of the Empire however, was in dire need of welfare improvement. The result was regional governments across the Empire taking large steps to improve welfare. As a result, the 1920s and 1930s saw large strides in human development in the poorer regions. This would have very profound effects following the Great European War in terms of industrial production and for the years to come.
Following the Great European War, as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Winston Churchill had promised, there was a significant upheaval in the dealings of the Britannic Realms. The 1944 Conference of Dehli came to the conclusion that if the Realms were to remain together, then there would need to be reform so to create a new order. The 1945 Britannic Commonwealth Act saw to this, and a new supernation was born.
The Commonwealth is a Constitutional Monarchy. The Head of State is currently Queen Elizabeth II, the second monarch of the Commonwealth- the first being her father, King George VI. The Commonwealth has a very strong Parliament tradition, essentially being a form of Westminster Democracy. There are two main tiers of government: Commonwealth and Regional. The Commonwealth tier deals with the Commonwealth Budget, Defence, Foreign Affairs and Constitutional Advice- in which it is sovereign to pass laws to block any legislation introduced at the Regional Level. The Regional Level deals with regional economy, including Healthcare and Education as well as Policing, Environment and Transport. The Commonwealth is separated into regions. Each region has its own Prime Minister and some have another Monarch, such as Tonga and Brunei. The role of the High Chancellor is much like that of a Prime Minister, that is, primus inter pares. The current High Chancellor is Sir Raila Odinga who has held the office since the Conservative Party won the last General Election in 2009.
However with this process having been conducted without any public consultation, the citizens of the former Crown Colony had commenced informal organisations in an attempt to encourage the new Chinese sponsored regime in the Territory to allow a full public suffrage referendum on Self Determination.
Many demonstrations were conducted annually, most on Tiananmen Square Commemoration Day. The year that the number of people at the rally reached 1.5 million people was the year in which the Chinese CCP government offered citizens of the Territory full voting ad representation in the newly established Legislative Assembly and the upper house Legislative Council (Legco).
The Advance Hong Kong Party won a stunning 75% of the seats in both houses, providing it with the opportunity to commence work on its Legislative Program for the Territory. This program included re-joining the British Commonwealth of Nations as a former colony, despite Chinese government protest.
On the insistence of the Chinese Regime, the newly-elected Hong Kong administration placed the proposal to the Citizens in a Referendum. The key to note is that Hong Kong would remain part of China, but to recognise its history as a long standing member of the Commonwealth of Nations and formerly as part of the British Empire, for which may of its citizens fought for in various wars in the previous 200 years.
The results showed a 91% vote in FAVOUR of the resolution, paving the way for inclusion of Hong Kong as part of the Commonwealth group of nations.
United Britannic Commonwealth
The United Britannic Commonwealth commonly known as UBC or the Commonwealth is a Federal Constitutional Monarchy that evolved from the British Empire. It is the largest Nation in the world, both in terms of territory and of population.
The origins of the Commonwealth lie with the British Empire which established itself between the 17th and 19th Centuries. In 1886, the British Parliament passed the "Imperial Sitting Bill" which would mean that certain dominions would be able to send representatives to Parliament at Westminster to debate and vote on "issues of Imperial importance". Southern Ireland, Canada and Orange State were among the first territories to be granted "Parliament Status". The 1901 "Imperial Parliament Act" ordered a formal Parliament to be built as its importance grew. Throughout this time, colonies and dominions were granted more powers. In 1901, the British government, with advice from the Imperial Council, introduced tariffs to counter the tariffs being introduced elsewhere. These tariffs meant the Empire became a Free Trade Area- a trading group that remains today. This not only brought the Empire closer together, it would lay the foundations of a continuing industrial giant.
The Great War erupted in 1914 following the assassination of the Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Britain declared war on Germany following the invasion of Belgium. Having spent the early part of the century preparing for war, the Empire was able to grind Germany down with superior forces. Giving power to territories had proved successful, with co-ordination and the cohesion of forces being far smoother than the highly centralised forces of Germany. This, coupled with the armament of the 1900s proved a highly successful, if bloody war.
Following The Great War, the Empire was left as the mediator of the world. The United States, having briefly taken part in the Great War during 1917, retreated into isolationism while Russia descended into the turmoil of Communist revolution. While casualties were not nearly as heavy as suffered by Germany or France, a more pacifist sentiment rose, seeing the much of the money spent on arms in the last decade, being spent on welfare. While Britain had enjoyed a strong welfare system since Joseph Chamberlains's reforms of the 1890's, the rest of the Empire however, was in dire need of welfare improvement. The result was regional governments across the Empire taking large steps to improve welfare. As a result, the 1920s and 1930s saw large strides in human development in the poorer regions. This would have very profound effects following the Great European War in terms of industrial production and for the years to come.
Following the Great European War, as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Winston Churchill had promised, there was a significant upheaval in the dealings of the Britannic Realms. The 1944 Conference of Dehli came to the conclusion that if the Realms were to remain together, then there would need to be reform so to create a new order. The 1945 Britannic Commonwealth Act saw to this, and a new supernation was born.
The Commonwealth is a Constitutional Monarchy. The Head of State is currently Queen Elizabeth II, the second monarch of the Commonwealth- the first being her father, King George VI. The Commonwealth has a very strong Parliament tradition, essentially being a form of Westminster Democracy. There are two main tiers of government: Commonwealth and Regional. The Commonwealth tier deals with the Commonwealth Budget, Defence, Foreign Affairs and Constitutional Advice- in which it is sovereign to pass laws to block any legislation introduced at the Regional Level. The Regional Level deals with regional economy, including Healthcare and Education as well as Policing, Environment and Transport. The Commonwealth is separated into regions. Each region has its own Prime Minister and some have another Monarch, such as Tonga and Brunei. The role of the High Chancellor is much like that of a Prime Minister, that is, primus inter pares. The current High Chancellor is Sir Raila Odinga who has held the office since the Conservative Party won the last General Election in 2009.
British Dominions of Norway and Texas
British Province of Pennsylvania
Dominion of Germany
After WW2 when negotiations to turn Germany into a united republic fell apart due to squabbling between the Soviets, US, and UK. So, Britain took full control of Germany, with the exception of the Soviet Zone, and made it a constitutional federal monarchy based on the Westminster System of Government, like Australia or Canada; George VI took the title King of Germany as his title in the new Dominion.
Bad Oeynhausen
Lower Saxony
North Rhine Westfalia
Dominion of America
Contains pre-Louisiana Purchase USA + Canada + Oregon/Columbia
The (majority) Welsh Commonwealth of Georgia
The flag of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay
Part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Ireland, and Hannover
"Alternatively, we could use the colonial seal of Massachusetts, though it fell out of use before 1700 and is rather ugly."Repeated attempts at American state flags by VulcanTrekkie45
Compton and Cavendish, aka Eastern Oregon.
State of Bentinck, our OTL State of Franklin, split off from Tennessee by the British, and California
Addington and Arkansas
Commonwealth of Natal
Wiradjuri Free State
An Aboriginal dominion occupying central New South Wales.
The British Empire
British Arctic Territories
The British Dominion of the River Plate
Either British Alaska, or Alaska as a Canadian Province
"[T]hat's the constellation Cepheus (rather than the typical Ursa Major)... Union Jack over the Russian Imperial flag..."
British Oregon
United Kingdom of Great Britain, Northern Ireland & France by Oren_neu_dag
The Overseas Province of France
Dominion of British North America
American flag where the Albany Plan of Union passed
Confederate States (British Commonwealth)
United Nations Emergency Protective Zone One, Two, and Three
United Kingdom of Earth
Commonwealth of Vesperia
Inexplicable alternative universe American flags
British France
British Turkey
British China
Naval ensign for the Islamic Republic of Australia
British Holland
Zamunda came to British protection in 1898 as result from the Zamundan distrust against the Boers. The Zamunda Protectorate was then established and lasted until 1968 when King Jaffe-Joffer proclaimed independence of the Kingdom of Zamunda (or Umbuso weZaamunda in local language). The new country joined then the international organizations so as adopted the present-day flag (horizontal green-black bicolour) with same coat of arms as protectorate flag which is pictured above).
Continental Congress
Features Jupiter's Thunderbolt, winged. The bolts represent the 4 core values of the government: mercy, truth, justice & peace.
British Dominion of New England
North West Company
In 1797 (this TL) Parliament passed the British North American Fur Trade Act, which ended the Hudson's Bay Company's monopoly on the fur trade in BNA. The North West Company flourished as a result. (Thus the NWC's OTL forced merger w/the HBC never came to pass.)
Hudsonia consists of what is in the real world New York, New Jersey, eastern Pennsylvania to Lake Ontario, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. A parliamentary democracy and full member of the Union, Hudsonia is one of the more industrialised parts of the Union. Its capital is the city of Boston. Hudsonia's flag is the Blue Ensign with "The full-rigged ship Half Moon all proper" added to it. [The Half Moon was the flagship of Henry Hudson, first European explorer of New York; (see the Flags of the World site).]
New England
New England consists of, in the real world, New Hampshire, Maine, New Brunswick and all the land north of them to the southern shore of the St Lawrence River. New England is a parliamentary democracy and full member of the Union. Its capital is the city of Coussinoc [Augusta, Maine]. New England's flag is the Blue Ensign with a green tree added to it.
Dominion of China
British China
FROM Kyhm Forums:
The flag of Cathay. Most British forces in Cathay are tied up subduing the last remnants of the Empire of China, but you might occasionally see it in the Pacific.
The flag of The Japans. The Japans are a centre for British shipbuilding in the Pacific, and ships under the Japanese flag are often harassing the West Coast and shipping between Mexico, South America, and the UNA.

FROM Flags of "TrolleyWorld
The flag of British America. The fifteen stars represent Britain's Fifteen Colonies in North America-- Massachusetts Bay, New England, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, East Chesapeake, Appalacia, Carolina, Pennsjersey, Georgian Florida, Louisiana, Ohio, The Northwest Colony, and Mississippi.
The flag of British Canada, which is the northern section of British America. The four sections of the Coat of Arms represent the four provinces of Canada. In the upper left is Ontario, in the upper right is Quebec, in the lower left is Newfoundland, and in the lower right is Manitoba.
FROM Flags of "TrolleyWorld
British Protectorate of Russia: Pretty standard British blue ensign flag with the Arms of the old Russian Empire on the right. It's used primarily for administrative purposes.
Flags of Great Britain and her Empires by Bryn Monnery and Andy Goddard
The Union flag is a mixture of the Cross of St. George and the Cross of St. Andrew, the English and Scottish flags respectively. Wales, being a principality, is not represented on the flag. The Cross of House Fitzgerald was removed on the unification of Eire and replaced with a laurel symbolising Irish loyalty to the crown. The flag was changed in 2019 with the final unification of Ireland.
Proposed flags for the Dominion of India
Imperial Dominion of India
Proposed flag for the British Commonwealth
Tristan Da Cunha & Gough Island
Commonwealth of Egypt
Twilight of a New Era
British Argentina and Uruguay

The coats of arms of Argentina and Uruguay both reflect the dual British and Spanish heritage of these countries. They each have the top half of the Golden Sun on top of the coats of arms proper. Argentina’s contain the three golden lions of England on the top left, the red lion of Scotland in the middle of the top, and the harp of Ireland on the top right. Rounding out the coat of arms proper are the castle structure on the bottom left representing Castile, the purple lion in the middle of the bottom representing Leon, and the yellow and red stripes of Aragon on the bottom right. Many editions of the coat of arms also show a horse flanking the left side and a rhea flanking the right side, along with the motto “Unitate Mari usque ad Mons” (“United from Sea to Mount”) on the bottom.
The Uruguayan coat of arms show the scales of justice on the top left and Montevideo Hill on the top right, just like in our world; on the bottom left is the Union Jack, and the old Spanish flag is on the bottom right. Many editions also show a horse flanking the left side and a bull flanking the right side, along with the motto “Fortis et Celsus” (“Strong and Proud”) on the bottom. The shields for the coats of arms are straight on top and curved on the bottom, and not oval like in our world; Argentina’s shield, but not Uruguay’s, is surrounded by laurels as well as by the animals flanking either side.
From lamnay at deviantart
Bechuanaland Flag Althis
In this world the Bechuanaland Protectorate never had its own flag, using the Union Jack until 1966 when it became independent as Botswana. For the Red and the Grey timeline I took the rather nice Botswana coat-of-arms and put it in a light blue ensign.
Red and Grey, Gambian Flag
In reality the flag of British Gambia was rather dull and identical to the flags of Ghana and Sierra Leone so for the Red and the Grey I made Gambia a new flag using the modern Gambian Coat of Arms in a blue ensign.
British Thailand
British Argentina
Paradox Interactive Gaming flags
Lesotho: (Basotholand) Red Ensign and Governor-General's Flag
Swaziland, Governor-General's Flag, Red and Blue ensigns
British South African ensigns by robtherich
South Africa Zululand

Flag of the British Martian Territory
Flag of the British Lunar Territory
Mars and the Moon are our local neighbours in space, and will form the next new territories. Britain must be the first to establish territory in these new lands, just as we were the first in Antarctica, Australia, and the Americas. To do anything less would be a denial of our history, a denial of our technological genius and expertise, and a disservice to Her Majesty the Queen.
This cannot be done by launching unmanned probes onboard foreign rockets from French Guyana or Kazakhstan. We must create a British manned space programme. The British people cannot be proud of being only a small part of European ESA programmes, let alone the NASA program in our former colonies. We must have a British manned space programme, staffed, financed and operated entirely within the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth.
Third British Empire of Indian Nation at Magellanica
Flags of Great Britain and her Empires by Bryn Monnery and Andy Goddard
The Union flag is a mixture of the Cross of St. George and the Cross of St. Andrew, the English and Scottish flags respectively. Wales, being a principality, is not represented on the flag. The Cross of House Fitzgerald was removed on the unification of Eire and replaced with a laurel symbolising Irish loyalty to the crown. The flag was changed in 2019 with the final unification of Ireland.

The Dominion of Alicia (Ex- New Cymru Crown Colony)

New Liverpool

New Kimberly

New Africa Crown Colony

New Cornwall Crown Colony

De Ville Bis Crown Colony

The United British Provinces of Eire

Anglo-Canadian Greenland

British Antarctica Crown Colony
The Dominion of Alicia (Ex- New Cymru Crown Colony)
New Liverpool
New Kimberly
New Africa Crown Colony
New Cornwall Crown Colony
De Ville Bis Crown Colony
The United British Provinces of Eire
Anglo-Canadian Greenland
British Antarctica Crown Colony
Proposed flags for the Dominion of India
Imperial Dominion of India
Proposed flag for the British Commonwealth
Tristan Da Cunha & Gough Island
Commonwealth of Egypt
Twilight of a New Era
British Argentina and Uruguay
"(T)he root reason why Argentina and the Southern Cone have faced .... endemic civil wars and retarded political and industrial development in the 19th century, is because the British did not end up colonising the Southern Cone the way it did North America or Australia."The Argentine flag, adopted in 1930, has a light blue background, with the Golden Sun at the centre and 16 stars around the Sun to represent the 16 provinces of Argentina. Uruguay’s flag, adopted in 1951, has a dark-blue field occupying the right 60% of the Sun at the centre and 16 stars flag, and a white field with the Golden Sun (albeit slightly different from the Argentine one) taking up the rest. Before their respective flags were adopted, these countries used the Blue (and sometimes Red) British Ensign, with the Union Jack (British flag) on the canton, and the national coat of arms in the centre of the right half. The Union Jack itself was also flown in those countries.
The coats of arms of Argentina and Uruguay both reflect the dual British and Spanish heritage of these countries. They each have the top half of the Golden Sun on top of the coats of arms proper. Argentina’s contain the three golden lions of England on the top left, the red lion of Scotland in the middle of the top, and the harp of Ireland on the top right. Rounding out the coat of arms proper are the castle structure on the bottom left representing Castile, the purple lion in the middle of the bottom representing Leon, and the yellow and red stripes of Aragon on the bottom right. Many editions of the coat of arms also show a horse flanking the left side and a rhea flanking the right side, along with the motto “Unitate Mari usque ad Mons” (“United from Sea to Mount”) on the bottom.
The Uruguayan coat of arms show the scales of justice on the top left and Montevideo Hill on the top right, just like in our world; on the bottom left is the Union Jack, and the old Spanish flag is on the bottom right. Many editions also show a horse flanking the left side and a bull flanking the right side, along with the motto “Fortis et Celsus” (“Strong and Proud”) on the bottom. The shields for the coats of arms are straight on top and curved on the bottom, and not oval like in our world; Argentina’s shield, but not Uruguay’s, is surrounded by laurels as well as by the animals flanking either side.
From lamnay at deviantart
Bechuanaland Flag Althis
In this world the Bechuanaland Protectorate never had its own flag, using the Union Jack until 1966 when it became independent as Botswana. For the Red and the Grey timeline I took the rather nice Botswana coat-of-arms and put it in a light blue ensign.
Red and Grey, Gambian Flag
In reality the flag of British Gambia was rather dull and identical to the flags of Ghana and Sierra Leone so for the Red and the Grey I made Gambia a new flag using the modern Gambian Coat of Arms in a blue ensign.
British Thailand
An alternate history flag of Thailand, where it become a British protectorate.
British Chile
After the failed Franco-Spanish Reconquista, the newly independent nations of South America realized they were still very vulnerable and had only been saved by British intervention. In time the Spanish would rebuild their fleet and try again. As British protectorates the Ottoman and Chinese empires had grown in size and wealth, so following their example, Gran Colombia, Argentina and Chile all applied for protectorate status:
British Gran Columbia
British Gran Columbia
Lesotho: (Basotholand) Red Ensign and Governor-General's Flag
Swaziland, Governor-General's Flag, Red and Blue ensigns
British South African ensigns by robtherich
South Africa Zululand

South Africa Roodepoot

South Africa Sandton

South Africa South Peninsula 1998-2000

South Africa Beaudesert

South Africa KWA-Zulu

South Africa Modderfontein

South Africa North West Province

Flag of the British Martian Territory
Flag of the British Lunar Territory
Mars and the Moon are our local neighbours in space, and will form the next new territories. Britain must be the first to establish territory in these new lands, just as we were the first in Antarctica, Australia, and the Americas. To do anything less would be a denial of our history, a denial of our technological genius and expertise, and a disservice to Her Majesty the Queen.
This cannot be done by launching unmanned probes onboard foreign rockets from French Guyana or Kazakhstan. We must create a British manned space programme. The British people cannot be proud of being only a small part of European ESA programmes, let alone the NASA program in our former colonies. We must have a British manned space programme, staffed, financed and operated entirely within the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth.
Third British Empire of Indian Nation at Magellanica
Horrific flags conceived by Condottiero

Nazi Britain and Communist Britain

The Gay Ensign
Spurious EU ensign with Union flag in canton
One yard flag made of woven polyester material with toggle and rope fixing which had apparently been purchased in error for a customer and is now being sold on eBay for £29.99 . With three more stars in white it would pass for a Cook Islands flag.
Another EU UK flag being sold as an "ensign," unforgivably minimising the Union flag made of nylon and measuring 40cm x 30cm.
Union of Britain
Nazi Britain and Communist Britain
National Socialist Hawaii
Australian flag from The Simpsons

The Gay Ensign
Spurious EU ensign with Union flag in canton
One yard flag made of woven polyester material with toggle and rope fixing which had apparently been purchased in error for a customer and is now being sold on eBay for £29.99 . With three more stars in white it would pass for a Cook Islands flag.
Another EU UK flag being sold as an "ensign," unforgivably minimising the Union flag made of nylon and measuring 40cm x 30cm.
Union of Britain
In 1925, disaster struck: a minor labour dispute in the coalfields of South Wales quickly escalated after troops were sent in to restore order. Following the French's example, a General Strike was called by the TUC to cripple the economy. When the government sent orders for the military to quell the unrest, many troops deserted to the side of the strikers, which was accompanied by a major naval mutiny. After six weeks of rioting, looting, and pamphleteering on a massive scale, the Royal Family was evacuated to Canada, followed by most of the country's leading politicians and large property owners.
Following the fall of the British government, a provisional government of revolutionary groups dissolved both Houses of Parliament, and declared that political authority in the "Union of Britain" would pass to a new Congress of Trade Unions.
Following the revolution, 1926 saw the formative Congresses of Socialist Britain, with advocates of various positions coming together to hammer out the framework of the new state. What resulted was a compromise between the factions that enshrined the principals of decentralization, co-operativism, and isolationism. This resulted in the establishment of locally elected councils as the main organ of government (supervised by the national direction of the CTU), a dominant public sector, and a diplomatic stance that emphasized self-defense and national self-reliance above all else.
The British people are currently secure on their island, content to build socialism in political and economic isolation, protected by the strong Republican Air Force and Navy. Additionally, each county is protected by its own popular militia who act both as a reserve military and the police.
The Sovereign Association
The Sovereign Association supports the memory of the British Empire and the current Commonwealth Realms and desires that the Philippines join the Commonwealth of Nations as a Commonwealth Republic
Mission Motto:
For God, for support of the memory of the British Empire, the Commonwealth Realms, the British Monarchy and for the unity of the members.Some Goals:
To inform Filipinos living in Commonwealth Realms the importance of the Commonwealth Crown.
To advocate Commonwealth Membership for the Philippines which two Philippine Presidents once considered.
For Royalists, Monarchists, Victorians, Conservatives and/or Anglophiles.
General information
Current Head of the Sovereign Association:The British Crown (unofficial)
Governor-General/Executive Director- Jason Eric De Leon
Prime Minister/Deputy Executive Director- Mark Richards David
Deputy Prime Minister/Secretary-General- Jael Dy
Minister-Cyrus Quilas
Minister- (vacant)
Minister-John Solomon Sanchez
Minister-Aga Rugay
SA Satellite Member-Sky Lalata
SA Satellite Member-Christopher Vasquez
SA Satellite Member-Luis Capistrano
Flag of the Crown Colony of Drakia; 1783 - 1870