
Yellow and Orange Ensigns

Yellow Ensign

Standard of the Governor of Victoria
Governor's Flag
18 APRIL 1984

His Excellency the Governor, Rear Admiral Sir Brian Murray, today announced that Her Majesty The Queen had graciously approved of a change in the Personal Standard of the Governor of Victoria. From this day, the Governor's Personal Standard will be the State Flag of Victoria with the blue of the flag being replaced by gold. The new Standard will be flown at Government House and on vehicles conveying the Governor. The old Standard used by all Victorian Governors has been, since 1870, the Union Jack with the Badge of the State emblazoned in the centre thereof.


The flag of Niue was adopted in 1975. It consists of the Union Flag in the canton with a star in the middle of the Union Flag and four stars forming a diamond around it. It is unique for a flag based on a British ensign design to have not only a yellow background, but also a defaced Union Flag in the canton.
The yellow is said to represent the "warmth and friendship between Niue and New Zealand". Some say this exposes the possibility that the designers of the flag did not know the symbolism of the Union Flag in the canton, and simply moved the stars on New Zealand's flag onto the St George's cross. This is similar to what was done in the so-called British Empire (or Solidarity) flag.

With the New Zealand flag

Orange Ensign from film poster 'Waterloo'