
Canadian Governor General Flag

Governor General's flags
The Provincial Arms and Dominion Flags dated May 6, 1871, with what is identified as the Governor General's flag in the centre which appears as a white ensign with the arms in the centre.
1901-1921 Flag

1921-1931 Flag
Currently hanging up in my classroom; specially commissioned from Artelina Sewn Flags.


This last flag is the proud property of Mattias who informed me that it is the Canadian Governor-General’s flag from the 193os – 1940s and describes it as "is a real genuine find!"

This flag with the Imperial crown was used when Queen Elizabeth's father George VI was king; this was the crown he used, and his father and so on. Some Museum in western Canada came upon three of these when cleaning out an old storage area. ALL STILL SEALED IN THE ORIGINAL 1930s WAX PAPER!!!! I managed through contacts to get one, and then persuaded the person to let me have the second as well, as the museum only needed one for their display purposes!
9 feet by 4'9, marked 1987